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Wrong Fate, Right Mate!
🔞😢I had to exchange mates with my sister.
Chapter One: Power play
Samantha's pov
"Packmates, I present to you the alpha heir of Dark Moon pack, my daughter Mia!”
The silver tray trembled in my unsteady hands, threatening to crash to the floor as my father's voice sounded. I felt humiliated, having been stripped of my rightful status and forced to wear a humble maid's uniform, serving refreshments to guests like a common servant.
Everyone knew that I, Samantha Woods, was the elder daughter of Alpha Eric in Dark Moon but they were cold to me, calling me a cursed being for not connecting with my wolf.
I bowed alongside the others to honor my stepsister. My eyes welled up with tears. I couldn't believe how far I'd fallen. It felt bitter and painful.
Mia lounged on the lavish throne-like chair. Her long, silk gown with a tiara on her perfectly styled hair, which made her look like a queen.
Even her eyes flashed with superiority, as if she knew she was the true center of power and attention. I looked away, unable to meet her eyes, and instead fixed my attention on the red carpet that stretched out before her.
"Enjoy, my pack mates," Mia announced, her tone excited. "There's plenty of food and drinks. The maids are on standby to serve you!”
I shrank inward, trying to calm my heart. To my side, my stepmother's friends openly discussed my family's misfortunes. They were unconcerned that I was within earshot and their cruel whispers about my downfall pained me.
"The older girl is utterly worthless. Her mother must have offended the Moon Goddess, for how else could the girl fail to bond with her wolf? I'd rather die than not connect with my wolf.”
"You're right," her friend agreed. "Mia is a capable leader. Samantha is useless “
Their harsh words stung. I attempted to move, but my knees buckled, feeling like jelly. I managed to take a few steps away and distanced myself from their hurtful words.
But my suffering only worsened as my stepmother, Evelyn, publicly humiliated me.
"Samantha, you lazy good-for-nothing! Where have you been hiding? There are still many guests who need refreshments!"
Evelyn's shrill voice grated on my nerves. She sounded like a parrot.
"Make yourself useful, girl. Your wolf is useless, but you've got hands and legs. Make use of them and be happy for your sister."
Her ridicule cut deep and I hurried to the kitchen. The feeling of abandonment was terrible. I no longer had access to anything good. Mia had taken everything from me to the point of making my former friends become loyal to her.
A sharp pain spread across my chest. Not emotional this time but physical. After completing the first round of serving drinks, I dropped the tray and doubled over to clutch my chest and began gasping for air.
I searched around for my boyfriend, Daniel. He was all I had and my last hope for happiness. We've been deeply in love since our high school days, and despite my recent struggles, he remained by my side.
On my eighteenth birthday, Daniel took me in his arms under the blooming cherry blossom tree and made a promise to me.
"I'll never leave you, Samantha. Our bond is unbreakable. When we find a way to overcome your struggles with your wolf, we'll return to this very spot, under our beloved tree, and get married.”
Thinking about his promise lifted my spirits. I clung to those words on cold, dreary nights and during times of ridicule.
But Daniel was absent. He had grown distant lately. I didn't want to be a clingy girlfriend, knowing he was busy with work.
But everyone in the pack was at Mia's party. Pushing aside my concerns, I hurried to refill drinks and bumped into the head of the maids.
“Use your eyes,”she snapped and grabbed my hands from falling. A stinging pain from the cuts on my body made me wince.
Unfortunately, I was my sister's blood bank and was always forced to undergo weekly transfusions to neutralize the toxic buildup in her blood due to a rare genetic disorder.
Ignoring my pain, I continued serving guests. Nothing interesting happened until much later when I heard my sister yelling.
"I refuse to acknowledge an omega weakling as my mate!" Mia cried out. "That the goddess would choose an omega of all people to pair with me is a curse I will never accept!”
My sister's mate is an omega? The moon goddess must either be drunk for pairing Mia with an Omega or she was simply not as perfect as I thought.
My sister's mate was getting humiliated by her friends. Mia's face was flushed red like a ripe tomato. Her mom was trying to control the situation and pleaded with Mia not to cause a scene.
Suddenly, I found I knew that omega, Theo. I helped him once. Because he didn't satisfy my father, my father wanted to expel him from the pack. But I pleaded with my father to let Theo stay.
Theo seemed like a nice person but that didn't change the fact that he Lucid Omega blood.
I was moved with sympathy for the poor guy because Mia insulted the life out of him and even spat on his face.
After the main event concluded, I slipped away to the attic. The dust, mice, and musty scent of old things didn't bother me.I lay on the rug and shut my eyes, feeling a metallic tang in my mouth and hoping that Daniel would come to me. I needed him to make me happy.
While I was drifting to sleep, I heard footsteps approaching. One of the maids informed me that my dad requested my presence.
My body screamed in protest when I got off the floor. Dad was in his study. I knocked softly on the door and was granted entry.
He sat behind the desk, with my stepmother and Mia facing him. Their gazes were fixed on me.
I felt uneasy, knowing that this meant trouble. What more could they possibly demand from me? They had already taken my rightful place as alpha and my blood, leaving me with nothing.
My dad cleared his throat and sat up. "Samantha, we need to discuss something important and I need you to obey diligently."
I swallowed hard and nodded, waiting for him to speak. Evelyn's smile widened as she stepped forward.
"Mia's mate is an omega, and this is a problem for our family.”
I remained silent, wondering what they wanted from me.
Dad sighed and spoke. "We've decided that Mia will reject the omega and get mated to your boyfriend, Daniel.”
chapter Two: Family ties and lies
My heart stopped, and I felt a ringing in my ears.
Did they just…. Why the hel had they chosen him, of all people?
I struggled to speak. "But... Daniel is mine. He's all I've got left.”
The room fell silent except for the ticking of the antique clock. My dad shifted uncomfortably in his chair, avoiding my gaze as he poured himself a glass of scotch.
"Samantha, your sister needs a strong mate. It's decided."
"No, dad. You can't keep doing this to me,” I cried out. “That's unfair. I've given up everything for her already. How much more can she take away from me?”
My eyes welled up with tears, and I bit my lip to contain them. Dad's mouth opened and closed like a fish. I knew he was hesitating, so I still had a chance! I'm also his daughter and I believed he loved me.
"I have nothing left. I've been reduced to Mia's blood bank, stripped me of my title, made me a laughingstock in the pack... I can accept all of them, but… please, dad, please don’t take Daniel away…" My tears were my last weapon. I hope my father will be softened by them.
“She's right,” Mia said, feigning sadness. “I shouldn’t be such selfish, dad. I will be an alpha, so I think I'll be strong enough to endure the humiliation with an omega mate.”
“Mia, my poor brave daughter.” Evelyn sighed, and turned to face Dad. “See, dear, our daughter has grown up. She’s like a real alpha.”
My heart was shrinking and I didn't take my gaze off my dad. I pleaded and wept, but he seemed to have made up his mind.
"Enough," Dad snapped. "What's with this sob story? This is for the pack's good. You must support your sister and stop being selfish.”
It felt like old scars had opened in my body. My father's face made me realize I'd lost to Mia's hypocrisy once again. I couldn't take this anymore!
“Selfish?” I bristled. “I never asked for anything, Dad. I have only one plea… I love Daniel and he loves me too. Do you really decide to take away even my last happiness? Why don’t you kilI me, Dad?” I put the accent on the last word.
My dad pinched his bottom lip. “Samantha, Mia is the future of this pack.”
It felt as if my world was falling apart.
Mia was the heir. Mia would be an alpha. Mia was the future…
I heard those words in my whole life! So what am I?!
“But I am also your daughter! Why do you always treat me so cruelly?!” I cried to my dad.
“Don't provoke this girl to tears, sweet.” It’s Evelyn. “Maybe we can trust Mia and not have to force Samantha to give up her love for the dignity of the pack.”
“Dad, Mom’s right. It's my duty to take care of the whole pack and make sure everyone lives a happy life, including my sister. So don’t force Samantha anymore. I can face everything, good, bad, even ridicule.”
My dad took a sip of his scotch, and I placed my trembling hands on the heavy wooden desk to steady myself. My throat grew sore from pleading and crying.
I clearly knew I didn't have any chance now.
"Samantha, your plea reeks of selfishness, and I will not grant it. We must make sure that as a family we help your sister and ensure that she has a smooth leadership. If it will cost you a body part to make sure she remains alpha, then you must be willing to sacrifice it."
The finality in his tone made me want to scream and fight for my love, but it was useless. My fate had been sealed.
I heard the shuffle of paper and my dad scribbling something on it.
"I'm connecting my mindlink to Daniel. You must be unlinked from him within three days so that we can prepare his engagement to your sister."
Helplessly, I watched him walk away with my stepmother, who glanced over her shoulder and shot me a twisted smile.
Alone with Mia, I watched her face and neck flush with pleasure. She was enjoying my suffering and unhappiness.
"Are you going to let them do this to me? After all I've done for you?"
She rubbed her hands together and drew out her words. "Sorry, but the decision has already been made."
An unkind smile spread slowly over my face, and I felt a heady rush of power. Daniel was never going to agree to this. I knew my Daniel. All I needed was to see him and convince him not to agree to this wickedness.
"I know what you're thinking," Mia said with a breezy smile. "This is already a done deal. Daniel knows, and if you weren't so stvpid, you'd have noticed he's been keeping his distance.”
My heart fell with a bang, but I refused to believe Mia.
"Spin whatever story you like, but Daniel loves me. He's been busy with work."
Mia threw her head back and burst into loud laughter.
"He facked me last night right under your nose."
"That's a lie!" I yelled in a shrill voice. She leaned against her seat and crossed her legs. "Daniel doesn't even like you."
"It's okay if you don't believe me. You can come watch us tonight."
"You're a liar! There's no iota of truth in your mouth, and I pity our pack mates who chose you over me. Soon they will get to know the kind of manipulative and vindictive person you are."
She mimicked my voice and chuckled while I ran off to call Daniel, but his phone kept going straight to voicemail.
I refused to believe Mia. Daniel and I have gone through hurdles in our relationship, and this was a piece of cake in comparison.
While cutting vegetables for dinner, I felt a tightness in my chest. I really needed to boost my blood so that I don't get anemic. I tried to link Daniel for comfort. His phone rang this time, but he didn't pick up.
I decided to send him a voicemail begging him to come to the house.
I was so tired. My nerves throbbed, my mind burned with Mia's words and my father's request. Knowing that my stepmother would go to any length to make my life miserable, I panicked and was scared that maybe, just maybe, Mia must have threatened or seduced Daniel.
Panicking, I raced anxiously to Mia's room and saw that the door was ajar. I didn't want to barge into the room for fear that I might see something that would devastate me for life, but I needed to satisfy my curiosity.
I heard a soft moan while I stood behind the wall. She was clearly having sax, but with whom?
She was on top of the male, riding him and letting out soft moans. My chest hurt badly, but I ignored it. It felt super creepy and uncomfortable to watch my sister having sax, and I was going to leave once I saw a glimpse of the male's face.
Finally, I had a chance when he turned his head, and when I saw a mass of black hair and the chiseled face that I had grown to love over the years, my hand flew to my mouth.
chapter Three: A night to remember
Samantha’s pov
My mind and body were numb. I tried to speak, but no words came out.
Mia's moans became increasingly loud. She'd noticed my presence.
"Tell me, baby, who do you love more, me or Samantha?"
I couldn't see his face to gauge his reaction.
"You, of course. That's not up for debate."
She kissed him and arched, meeting him thrust for thrust.
“That's good, baby. You're going to prove it because my dad had informed Samantha that we are exchanging partners.”
I heard Daniel gasp. He remained silent and even though he was cheating, I wanted to hear him protest. At least that would give me some hope
After a moment of silence, he spoke.
“I'm very happy to hear that. I can't wait for us to get married and stop hiding to express our love for each other.”
I took several steps back and my heart was shattered by Daniel's betrayal.
Mia turned, winked at me, then pretended to be shocked.
She jumped up from Daniel's lap. Daniel's face was pale, like he'd seen a ghost.
The sight of Daniel and Mia together left my mind feeling shocked and betrayed. I couldn't wrap my head around how Daniel could so callously cheat on me without even having the decency to be honest with me about his change of heart.
Mia covered her body in a panic. She was clumsy, and I couldn't bring myself to stare at Daniel.
Instead, I kept my gaze on Mia's large bed, staring at the violet sheets, scattering of throw pillows, torrn candom wrappers, and pantees, and realized that this was real and not my mind playing tricks on me.
Her room began to close in on me. Mia had an obsession with the color purple. Her walls were painted lavender, and she had purple-themed artworks. Even her vanity table was purple. It all felt sickening.
"Samantha, what are you doing here? You should have knocked.”
She got up and sashayed to her walk-in closet to pick up a purple robe. Then she opened the drapes and sat on her vanity table.
Daniel hurriedly got dressed. He gazed down, looking helpless, as if he was following orders and unable to think for himself. I had a multitude of questions and accusations, but I couldn't find the strength to voice them.
When I managed to speak, my voice cracked, showing the pain that I felt.
"Why? Why did you do this to me? I want to know everything, Daniel."
He responded with deafening silence. What could he possibly say? I caught him red-handed. Meanwhile, Mia pretended to be innocent, acting as if I was the one intruding and trying to stir up trouble for her.
The smell of sax was so nauseating, and as if Mia could tell, she turned on a vanilla-scented candle while Daniel tried to fix the scattered bed in a hurry.
"Let's not drag this issue," Mia said and placed the candle on her vanity. "You were warned earlier, Samantha, so stop acting like I didn't tell you about this. I love Daniel, and he loves me too. I hope you'll understand, leave us alone and give us your blessings."
Daniel's eyes drifted off into the distance and a wrinkle cut across his forehead. I kept my gaze fixed on him. Mia's betrayal was nothing new, and I knew it wouldn't be the last time she'd hurt me. But Daniel was the one who owed me answers, yet he just stood there, looking like a brainless robot, refusing to meet my eyes.
"This is ridiculous, and I can't accept it," I managed to speak and wiped my tears with the back of my palm. Daniel stole a glance at me and looked very pained.
"So everything we shared, all the vows and promises you made, were mere lies? Will you also have the audacity to ask for my blessing?”
"Samantha, please..."
"Daniel, don't you dare take another step towards her!" Mia shouted, positioning herself between them.
Boldly, she grasped his chin, forcing him to face her. "You swore to me, Daniel. What's with this sudden show of weakness? You promised you were done with her, that you'd reject her the next time you saw her. What's holding you back now?”
My body shook with restrained tears as I pleaded, "Don't do it, Daniel. Don't listen to her. You'll regret it. I know you feel remorse, and we can work through this. Please, don't turn your back on me."
Mia rolled her eyes and shot me a cold look. "Samantha, you're delusional if you think he'll choose you over me. What do you have to offer? You're a nobody, a failure who can't even connect with your own wolf. You're nothing.”
Daniel's eyes pleaded with me. My tears flowed uncontrollably, my body racked with sobs. I had cried so much, I feared a fever would soon consume me.
"Reject her now," Mia demanded, her voice cold and calculating. "If you don't, I'll be forced to take action against you. No one will believe you over me, I'm your alpha, remember?"
I shook my head, pleading. Daniel hesitated, then gave me a determined look, resigned to obey Mia's command. I cried out in anguish, falling to my knees, "Please, Daniel, don't do it! Don't leave me!”
Daniel was begging me with his eyes. My tears flowed freely. I had cried an unhealthy amount, and I feared that I would be down for the next few days to come.
"Don't make this more difficult, please," Daniel begged me. I pinched my eyes shut and wanted the ground to open and swallow me. This was too much suffering for one person.
"I, Daniel, reject you, Samantha, as my mate. I refuse to share the sacred bond with you, and henceforth, I promise not to initiate any romantic interaction with you. You must respect my choice of mate and stay away from us."
My eyes flashed open, and I lost all hope, sagging to the floor with my hands falling limp at my sides. My chest hitched, and I sobbed openly.
"I accept your rejection," I trembled, my heart aching with each word.
My mouth felt dry and gummy with excess saliva. The pain was excruciating, and I cried out, clutching my chest.
Daniel was also in distress, but Mia supported him, leading him to the bed. That sight gave me a faint satisfaction, hoping that the pain would forever remain in his heart for causing me such heartbreak.
In a daze, I sprang to my feet and started running away, colliding with an unknown person in my haste, without even realizing who it was. I returned to my room and frantically began to check for anything that could end my life.. medications, poison, pills...anything!
What's the point of living when It seemed to me that I was living a nightmare, where every moment, there was no escape.
The Dark Moon pack was known for their research into poisons and we had countless types of them. Although my blood was immune to poison and was instead an antidote, I wanted to leave this world.
Mia acted like she didn't need me to survive. If I died, her life would be in danger.
I mixed two portions of white liquid and dropped two capsules inside, hoping they would work.
KilIing myself wasn't as easy as I thought. It would take a great amount of bravery and selflessness to make a decision like that. I had to decide quickly, before the pills took effect.
It was time to make a final effort. My heart pounded in my ears.With the last ounce of my courage, I lifted it to my lips.
My door burst open, and Mia stormed into the room with such force that she knocked over my cherished flower vase, sending crystal balls scattering everywhere.
“You batch!” she yelled, knocking the cup off my hand and forcing me up. I was older than her but she was taller.F
“You're trying to kilI yourself aren't you?” she chuckled darkly. “The truth is I don't care if you die or not but I won't let you go until you finish your last mission.”
chapter Four: Rivals
“Mom! Dad!”
Mia shrieked and gripped my hand. I tried to pull away, but her fingers grabbed my arm with authority, biting deeply and drawing blood.
Her shouts attracted the attention of a guard."Seize her! Make sure she doesn't escape.”
The guard obeyed her orders, confining me to the room until I was eventually summoned to my dad's study. I braced myself to face my dad, but instead, I found myself facing an audience.
My dad, Evelyn, Mia , Theo and Daniel were seated in his study. Theo locked eyes with me, as if trying to find out the reason behind my disheveled appearance.
Daniel looked unfocused, scratching his head and avoiding eye contact. My dad wore a similar expression.
My shoulders slouched and I knew what was about to happen. Mia would reject Theo and accept Daniel's mark.
She strutted forward and held her head high. My dad nodded to her, inviting her to speak.
"What's your name omega?" she snapped at Theo, shooting him a nasty glare.
Theo stepped forward, "I'm Theo," he answered flatly.
"Speak to the Alpha heir with respect," Evelyn demanded. Theo and bowed respectfully.
"Forgive me. My name is Theo."
Daniel broke eye contact with me when our eyes met. The more I remained in his presence, the more his betrayal stung.
I snapped out of my thoughts when Mia began the rejection words to Theo.
"I, Mia, reject you, Theo, as my mate," she said in a rush. "I do not ever want to have an interaction with you, and I don't want to see you within my radar. Now accept the rejection."
Theo stole a glance at me, and I could relate totally to how he felt. His gaze softened, and I had an overall feeling of heaviness and a lump in my throat.
"I accept."
His calmness surprised everyone, including Mia. She was in pain, wailing and clutching her stomach from the rejection. Theo simply shut his eyes and was taking deep gulps of air.
How could an Omega survive the rejection pain? I was curious and wondered about his pain threshold. Even Daniel, who had Beta blood, almost ran mad earlier. An Omega should be unconscious now or at least be in agony.
"Why are you silent?!" Mia screamed, raising her head to glare at Theo. There was so much hatred in her voice. Everyone kept their gaze on him, but he didn't flinch.
Mia leaned into Daniel's arm. He supported her and led her to one of the chairs beside the desk. The only sounds were Mia's labored breathing and her mom's pleas for her to endure.
"How can I? It hurts," she cried out. "And the filthy Omega is rubbing it in my face that he doesn't care that I rejected him. He didn't even beg for mercy!"
I stole a glance at Theo, and he shot me a small smile. I felt a knot in my belly, mentally running through everything and forgetting my problems.
I was curious to know why Theo didn't react. And why did it give me so much joy to see Mia finally being defeated?
Minutes after the pain had died down, she gazed at Daniel with love.
"Now that we're free, we can now mark each other."
She exposed her neck to receive his mark, and I looked away. Who would want to watch their first love slip away?
Daniel kept shooting me guilty looks, and I bit back the urge to lash out at him. Why did he pretend to care when he was just going to claim her in the end?
His gaze remained fixed on me as his teeth gently grazed Mia's neck. Evelyn burst into joyful applause, like a child receiving a treat. She was the only one celebrating the new couple.
"Oh my dear, I'm so happy! Congratulations to both of you. I can't wait to start planning your wedding!”
Meanwhile, a strange sensation washed over me. The chest pain vanished, and the heaviness lifted. I blinked in surprise.
Could this be a miracle? Despite still feeling betrayed, the physical pain I'd felt earlier had vanished. My dad watched me closely, expecting me to fall apart, but I was determined to uncover the reason behind my sudden strength.
Mia kissed Daniel and she professed her love to him.
"Samantha and Theo, please step forward," my dad announced.
Daniel's gaze pleaded with me not to accept Theo, his eyes searching mine with a silent query. But I kept my focus fixed on Theo, and it felt like I was truly seeing him for the first time.
He was towering over me. His gray eyes held an invitation, and we got lost in each other's gaze, time standing still for a moment.
"Go on and mark yourselves. We don't have all day, and we don't want you interfering in the Alpha's relationship," Linda warned sternly.
As soon as Theo approached me, I took a shaky breath, and a sudden cold feeling expanded in my core. There was something about him that I couldn't place my hand on. He had a very powerful aura, and I wondered if I was beginning to imagine things.
An Omega shouldn't have such a strong effect on anyone. Omegas were known for their subdued nature, lacking the powerful auras that Alphas possessed. Yet, Theo's presence had a profound impact on me, and I couldn't explain why.
"This might hurt a bit," he apologized in a low voice. I was surprised by everything happening, but before I had time to think about it, his mouth was on my neck, breathy and hot.
He nibbled on the spot before his teeth scraped my neck. My breath came in soft pants, and I felt the rough heat of his hands on me. Fire raised from his body to mine, and the sensation thrilled me.
His pupils were fathomless and like a tide, our bond grew. I couldn't stop staring at my new mate.
“Are you okay?” He whispered softly to me. “Do you feel any pain?”
He reached out to touch me, I could see the concern on his face. But despite his good intentions, I felt a wave of intense emotional pain wash over me, threatening to consume me.
It wasn't a physical ache anymore, but the piercing betrayal that cut deeper than any wound. I had loved and trusted Daniel for so long, yet he callously hurt me and violated the love and faith I had placed in him and left me for my sister.
"Excuse me," I trembled and struggled to hold back tears. I pushed past him and raced into the chilly night air. My bare feet pounded the ground in a desperate bid to escape the pain. I didn't stop running until my vision became a hazy blur.
The pack house felt suffocating. I fled into the thick woods and loved the darkness. I ran until my breath came in ragged gasps and collapsed onto the damp earth. I cried out to the moon goddess and kept pleading for answers.
Why had she dealt me such a cruel hand? At this point, it felt like she derived joy in seeing me suffer.
I attempted to reach out to my inner wolf, the very essence of my being that had brought me so much pain. It seemed ironic that I was a werewolf, yet I had never truly connected with my wolf.
I begged, my voice shaking with despair, "Please, come forth. I need your presence now more than ever.”
My heart thundered in my chest, but only silence replied until I wailed loudly. This rejection from my own wolf was a pain unlike any other, a feeling of abandonment that pierced my soul.
I blinked in surprise. A voice appeared in my head, and I listened to it. It was like a comforting tug, a warm blanket, and an assurance that I wasn't alone.
"Samantha, I'm here for you."
I recognized it now; it was coming from my new mate's mind link. I sat up and looked behind me. Theo was standing there with a coat, his arms outstretched. I'd been so caught up in my own grief that I hadn't even noticed his presence.
Without warning, I threw myself into Theo's arms and burst into tears. He rubbed my back in soothing motions and tried to comfort me.
After a while, my tears subsided, and my mind became clouded with confusion. Why did Theo care? He should be irritated that he was forced into this bond.
"I'm fine on my own," I said, and pulled away from him. "You don't have to pretend to like me; you were forced into this bond."
Theo shook his head. "Whether you believe it or not, I have a duty to protect you. Nobody is forcing me, and I swear with the last drop of my blood that I will never let anyone hurt you."
For a moment, I allowed myself to believe that maybe bond wasn't a disaster. I remembered the emotion in his eyes at the end of the marking, the look close to tenderness.
"Can I ask you a question?" I asked softly, and he nodded.
"Did you agree to the bond because I had saved you in the past, or do you like me?"
Theo grew silent, and I felt a shiver nip my spine. He sighed and took my hand in his. "I swear to you, I'll always be here, be your loyal mate, and protect you as long as our bond lasts.”
chapter Five: A glimpse of the future
Samantha’s pov
I was taken aback by Theo's loyalty oath. I'd never experienced such sincerity in anyone.
Theo was willing to take me as his mate and for a moment, I let my guard down and allowed myself to feel something very close to hope.
With Daniel, I thought I'd found love. He wasn't a stranger and I dreamed of a happy future with him until he crushed my hopes.
With Theo, I felt a strong pull. Despite being an alpha's daughter who had yet to discover her wolf, and Theo being an omega, we shared common ground. Maybe, just maybe, our similarities as losers could be the foundation on which we could build a bond.
“Sorry to bother you, but I needed to be sure you were okay.”
He spoke in an odd, yet gentle tone, reminding me of a wise sage. I stared ahead at the expanse in the woods and the tree branches swaying slightly in the breeze.
I lowered myself onto a rough tree trunk and Theo sat beside me. There was something about him, something powerful that I had never felt in anyone else. Our eyes met and held. It felt like he was getting into the deepest parts of my soul.
"Everything is happening too fast. I feel like I'm drowning in all of this."
Theo smiled and agreed with me. "The alpha's word is law."
“My father didn't put a gun to your head. You had a choice to say no to his request.”
My tone came off harsher than I intended and I hoped that he understood that I wasn't angry with him, but with the unfairness of Mia ruining our lives.
Theo smiled instead and agreed with me. “That's true, but I had to do what needed to be done. I'm a worthless omega, and your sister would never have accepted me. I don't know what the moon goddess was thinking to pair us as mates.”
I wanted to fire off more questions. Didn't he have dreams, a type? Or wasn't he irritated that he was forced to accept a bond?
"But don't you feel trapped? Like you're sacrificing your own happiness for the sake of duty? What about your own desires? Your own heart? Don't they count for anything?"
I looked into his eyes, searching for answers. There were none. I wanted to know what he was thinking, what he was feeling. I wanted to know if he was being genuine, or if this was all just a ruse. His eyes met mine, and for a moment, we just stared at each other.
He hadn't directly answered my question. His eyes were guarded, hiding secrets and emotions I couldn't quite understand. My heart began racing and I broke into a sweat.
Did he truly like me, or was he just doing his duty as a mate and going through the motions?
My mind began to wander, comparing Theo to Daniel. Daniel, my ex-mate who had betrayed and manipulated me in the worst possible way. And now, here I was, bonded to a stranger, wondering if history was repeating itself.
Theo was a mystery I couldn't quite unravel. Like an onion with many parts. I didn't know his thoughts, his feelings, his motivations. All I knew was that he was my mate now, bound to me by a force beyond our control.
Or maybe he planned to betray me, just like Daniel, and might be hiding secrets of his own.
Who was Theo, really?
I looked at him, trying to see beyond the surface. He seemed kind and genuine, but beneath the charming smile and the piercing eyes? I needed to know, needed to understand what made him tick.
Did he have a girlfriend or someone he loved before our bond? The thought sent a pang of jealousy through me, which I quickly suppressed.
I had no right to be jealous, not when I was still reeling from my own betrayal. Also, I feared that he would grow bitter with time and feel cheated. I was only a poor substitute for the woman he really wanted.
Theo seemed like a kind and responsible man. I didn't want him to be held back by me, stuck in a bond that he didn't truly want.
My mind wandered back to the time I had helped him and how he had thanked me with genuine gratitude. He didn't seem like a troublemaker, but I wanted to know him better than what he was showing me.
“Let's be honest with each other and stop pretending. You can break off this relationship at any time if you want to. I don't mind."
“Why would I do that?” he asked softly and straightened himself. “You are my choice. We are destined to be mates."
His words left me puzzled. “What do you mean? I can't even connect with my wolf. That's why I could never become Alpha. Daniel marked me out of some supposed love he felt for me, but he never even met my wolf. Unlike you and Mia, your wolves recognized each other as mates."
Theo nodded and ran a hand over his dark hair. “That's because Mia has your blood in her body. My wolf felt your blood in hers, and that's why we connected."
I blinked in shock. "What are you saying? I don't understand..."
“Don't worry about anything,” he interrupted me. “I have a gift for you.”
Theo's hand extended, revealing two glass bottles filled with medication. He offered the bottles to me and I stared at the labels.
“I want you to have these. They're for chest pains and scar removal. You have so many scars on your hands and I'm sure these will work."
Speechless, I stared at the medication. Nobody had ever cared for me like this, not even Daniel.
“The chest pains were when I sensed my mate cheating on me. Daniel's infidelity left a scar on my heart.”
I was startled when he immediately took the medicine back.
"In that case, you won't be needing it. You'll never have to feel that pain again."
My body trembled like a leaf and I took the scar removal medication, opened it, and realized they weren't ordinary.
The Dark Moon pack was great at making potions and poisons, and I knew a great deal about both thanks to years of knowledge.
But I felt weird that Theo, an omega, could get access to such expensive medicine, and with the aura surrounding him, I grew suspicious of his identity.
“Did you know that the raw material for this medicine is so precious? How did you manage to get your hands on it?"
He scratched the back of his head. "I had help from a friend."
"A friend? What kind of friend could possibly get you this?"
He shrugged and remained silent while I waited. I decided to let it slide for now.
“Please promise me you'll never lie to me. I can't afford any more deception in my life."
There was a semblance of a smile on his face. "I promise, Samantha. I'll always be honest with you.”
We spent the night in the forest, under the stars. I loved every second spent with him. The next morning, we walked side by side. But our peaceful morning was disrupted by Mia's accusations.
Mia's eyes blazed with jealousy as she stood before us. "Well, well, well. Look what we have here. The two of you, cozy as can be. Samantha, I should have known you'd facked him earlier, you pretender!”
I was as stunned as Theo. Daniel and Evelyn gathered around, drawn in by the tension. Mia was about to hit me when Theo interacted, his voice commanding.
"Enough, Mia! Samantha has done nothing wrong. You will not accuse her of such things."
Mia looked insulted and lashed sharply with her tongue. “And who are you to defend her, you pathetic omega!”
Theo's eyes flashed and even though I wasn't the one being scolded, I shivered. “I'm her mate, and I will not stand for your lies.”
Mia's accusations died on her lips and her mouth gaped in shock.
I was taken aback by Theo's display of power. My mind couldn't register what he was doing. An omega couldn't possibly possess such strength and authority, could they?
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